Submitted by AliaK on Sun, 24/04/2005 - 10:50
Google's mission is to organize the world's information, but much of that information isn't yet online. Google Print aims to get it there by putting book content where you can find it most easily
Submitted by AliaK on Wed, 13/04/2005 - 03:46
The eScholarship Editions project is managed by the eScholarship program at the California Digital Library. As one of the University of California libraries, the CDL supports the assembly and creative use of the world's scholarship and knowledge for the UC libraries and the communities they serve. The eScholarship program facilitates innovation and experimentation in the production and dissemination of scholarly works.
Submitted by AliaK on Wed, 13/04/2005 - 03:43
Ludwig von Mises Institute
Submitted by AliaK on Sun, 03/04/2005 - 07:49
The Dead Media Project consists of a database of field Notes written and researched by members of the Project's mailing list.
The Dead Media List consists of occasional email to that stout band of souls who have declared some willingness to engage in this recherche field of study.
The collection of dead media working notes is the purpose of the mailing list; the accumulated, archived, (and now collated!) collection of submissions from list members; an ad hoc database of the deceased, the slowly-rotting, the undead, and the never-lived media.
Submitted by AliaK on Sun, 03/04/2005 - 07:47
This dossier on Media Archaeology is constructed to provide further reading in advance, and after completion of the mini-festival "An Archaeology of Imaginary Media" at De Balie, February 5 - 8, 2004. The dossier contains a number of key-texts on the relatively new approach to writing media history that has come to be known as Media Archaeology. We also provide links to key-thinkers in the field, most of whom participate in our project on imaginary media.
Submitted by AliaK on Mon, 28/03/2005 - 04:53
search for reusable content covered by Creative Commons licence
Submitted by AliaK on Mon, 21/02/2005 - 02:46
An ongoing project of uploading pieces of the wealth of Situationist-related literature. Entire books, lengthy articles, excerpts from the journals Potlatch and Internationale Situationniste, and newspaper articles are just a few of the files to be found here.
Submitted by AliaK on Fri, 04/02/2005 - 02:07
ePrints@UQ is a deposit collection of papers to showcase the research output of UQ academic staff and postgraduate students across a range of subjects and disciplines, both before and after peer-reviewed publication.
The ePrints@UQ server provides free, searchable access to this research and manages its long-term archiving. UQ staff and students must register to deposit papers. Here's how.
ePrints@UQ is part of a Group of Eight initiative to make the research output of Australian Universities visible, accessible and usable through a global network of interlinked services such as OAIster. See the ePrints FAQ for more information. Check publishers' copyright policies at SHERPA.