Submitted by AliaK on Fri, 04/02/2005 - 02:07
ePrints@UQ is a deposit collection of papers to showcase the research output of UQ academic staff and postgraduate students across a range of subjects and disciplines, both before and after peer-reviewed publication.
The ePrints@UQ server provides free, searchable access to this research and manages its long-term archiving. UQ staff and students must register to deposit papers. Here's how.
ePrints@UQ is part of a Group of Eight initiative to make the research output of Australian Universities visible, accessible and usable through a global network of interlinked services such as OAIster. See the ePrints FAQ for more information. Check publishers' copyright policies at SHERPA.
Submitted by AliaK on Fri, 04/02/2005 - 02:06
This repository aims to:
Showcase and archive the quality research output of Monash University staff.
Make research visible and accessible globally
Submitted by AliaK on Fri, 04/02/2005 - 02:05
The University of Melbourne ePrints Repository is an institutional server designed to load and provide free access to the research output of University of Melbourne academic staff.
The repository is part of a GO8 initiative here in Australia
The initiative aims to: -
* create an archive of the publications produced at individual institutions.
* enhance access and contribution to internationally linked scholarship
Submitted by AliaK on Fri, 04/02/2005 - 02:02
The aim of the ADT project is to create a national collaborative distributed database of digitised theses produced at Australian Universities. The ADT database provides access to PhD and Masters by Research theses only.
Submitted by AliaK on Fri, 04/02/2005 - 02:01
Arc is an experimental research service of Digital Library Research group at Old Dominion University. Arc is used to investigate issues in harvesting OAI compliant repositories and making them accessible through a unified search interface. It is not a production service and may be subject to unscheduled service interruptions and anomalies.
Submitted by AliaK on Fri, 04/02/2005 - 01:58
The Australian Library and Information Association [ALIA] is the professional organisation for the Australian library and information services sector. It seeks to empower the profession in the development, promotion and delivery of quality library and information services to the nation, through leadership, advocacy and mutual support.
Submitted by AliaK on Fri, 04/02/2005 - 01:55
* Australian National University 2398
* Australian Policy Online 22
* Curtin University 209
* Monash University 88
* Queensland University of Technology 495
* University of Melbourne 457
* University of Queensland 1404
* University of Tasmania 103
Submitted by AliaK on Fri, 04/02/2005 - 01:53
ePrints@IISc repository collects, preserves and disseminates in digital format the research output created by the IISc research community. It enables the Institute community to deposit their preprints, postprints and other scholarly publications using a web interface, and organizes these publications for easy retrieval. While eprints@iisc can be accessed by anybody, submission of documents to this repository is limited to the IISc research community.