call for submissions

call for submissions

Remote relationships in a small world : cfp

We are seeking contributions for this proposed edited collection. Rather than producing more speculative work, we wish to focus on empirical data collected online about the intricate, intimate virtual ways that people forge connections. The three sections will be: Love & Sex; Work & Education; and Methods & Ethics. Chapters should be empirically based, 8000 words in length, and written in an accessible style suitable for an interested, intelligent general audience as well as for an academic readership in gender / cultural / media studies, sociology / anthropology, and new media. read more for details on how to submit your papers.

Queer Intersections: Revisiting online media -calls for chapters

Call for Chapters (edited book). Queer Intersections: Revisiting online media and queer sexualities. Edited by Kate O'Riordan and David J Philips. This edited collection will bring together crucial examinations of the intersecting fields of sexuality and the internet, and will provide an
overarching contextualisation and consolidation of cyber / queer practices and theories. Suggested topics and themes include (but are not limited to): Sexual identities, practices and communities; Art and activism; Consumption; Political economy; Representation; Performativity; Queer theory. read more for details or visit the editor's site @

Evolution of the Species - Universities, Students & Technologies

The AUC has opened its Call For Papers for its upcoming Academic & Developers Conference scheduled for late September 2005 in Hobart. The conference theme is 'Evolution of the Species - Universities, Students & Technology'. Papers are being sought from academics, developers and students and successful authors will be financial supported to attend the conference at conference at the Wrest Point Hotel and University of Tasmania. Closing Date for Papers is 29 April. Download the call for papers outline at or read more for details

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rocket noise . rocket sounds. call For Noise . call For Sound

this year at Burning Flipside ( there will be a 40'+ tall rocket ( the rocket will exist onsite for about 3 days, at which time it will either take off or burn to the ground. my guess is the rocket will take off, but i am an optimist. it would be nice for the rocket to make some subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) sounds. 3-5 independent sound sources: cd players and simple computer speakers. each set up will be placed somewhere in the rocket. somewhere pretty. or not. we shall see. simple is nice. from each little sound source will come noises and sounds that various people contribute. read more for details on how to contribute. [details from the idm maillist]

RE:activism: call for submissions

RE:activism: Re-drawing the boundaries of activism in a new media environment is a conference which is to take place in Budapest, October 14-15, 2005. Re:activism will focus on two closely connected subjects. On the first day, we gather to discuss the new dynamics of culture production. Digital networks allow the large scale cooperation of individuals with diverse motivational backgrounds. This cooperation often results in globally competitive ideas, (software) products, (social) services. Ad-hoc activist, expert networks can only consolidate themselves if the necessary legal, economic and technological frameworks are created or emerge from local interactions. We research into the political economy of peer production networks and examine how regulation in a post-Westphalian order can integrate these networks. We also discuss the potential conflicts between peer networks and contemporary social, economic, and legal institutions and examine how tradition emerges through open archives documenting these conflicts. read more or visit for more information and instructions on how to submit papers.

Cyclic Defrost Magazine CD compilation - call for submissions

Cyclic Defrost Magazine is compiling a CD of independent Australian electronic music, avant rock, experimental sound and oddball local hip hop. It will be released in June between issue 11 (end April) & 12 (August). The CD will be made available for FREE at the following European festivals - Sonar 2005 (Barcelona, Spain), Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria) and Popkomm (Berlin, Germany). Limited quantities will also be given to distributors, promoters, music media, magazines and radio in Tokyo and London. Any left will be distributed locally to media in Australia. If your music fits into the Cyclic Defrost mode (check past issues as a guide), read more for details on how to submit your song/s or visit

ISEA Symposia Guidelines & Call for Bids

> The series of symposia known as the International Symposium on
> Electronic Art was initiated in 1988 to create and maintain an
> international network of organizations and individuals active in the
> field of electronic arts. In 1990 this network took shape as an
> association, founded in The Netherlands, called the Inter-Society for
> the Electronic Arts (ISEA).
> ISEA was established to oversee the continuance of the symposia and each

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'Cuanto Vale" is a Brisbane compilation CD featuring sounds from dub, jazz and funk to world music, hip hop and reggae.

It features bands Afro Dizzi Act, Hot Rubber Glove, Promiscuous, Plastic Wooden Fruit, Zimbira, 21 Dub Street, Gorgonzola, Kooii, Kafka, Pelusa Funk, Spankinhide, Paul Abad.

The CD launch will benefit the BWCM (Brisbane WTO convergence Mexico).


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