tonight I was reading through class notes again and just realised I have more to do for assignment one than I thought. I'd totally missed a whole section - project 2. I was thinking project 1 = assignment 1 :(
in other news, I came across this article / project tonight which I thought might fit with my theme of code/encryption (perhaps not glitch). Anti-loneliness augmented quilt comforts children in hospital. from Joshua Barnes' site:
"As a means to combat symptoms of loneliness experienced by children staying long periods of time in hospital, the Augmented Quilt opens up an additional line of communication between the child and their loved ones. Each animal illustration on the quilt can be linked to a friend or family member, who can in turn leave digital messages for the child to read using a smart device. This highly personal form of communication is more meaningful to the child than anything a facebook message alone is capable of. Simultaneously the intimate tactile nature of the quilt also serves as a physical source of comfort which, when combined with the personal messages, provides a greater sense of security to the child in what is a potentially distressing time."
this sounds like a great idea - he's using the Aurasma's Augmented Reality (AR) system. the child / person can point their phone camera over the quilt square - ie the fiducial marker - and a message from their family would be shown. I will check into Aurasma - I've used Layar, GE AR, and ARToolKit a few years ago when I was playing with augmented reality to see how it worked. I imagine the technology has advanced more now than when I last used it. once I had knitted a black fiducial marker, but I ended up using it to line my bike basket.