b-girl be

Over the last two years, a group of Twin Cities women have been getting together weekly at Intermedia Arts to develop the idea and concept for B-Girl Be. This winter, they finally raised enough money through fundraisers, sponsors and foundations to take a chance and produce the first-of-its-kind Women in Hip-Hop summit in the Twin Cities.

From April 22 to June 11, 2005, the doors will open for the Twin Cities community of all ages and cultures to celebrate women's accomplishments in all elements of hip-hop.

B-Girl Be: A Celebration of Women In Hip-hop will be a place to make connections, build confidence, sharpen skills, and to gain access to the tools to create music, film, poetry, rap, aerosol art, and dance.

But this is just the beginning. We hope to continue and grow this collaboration for years to come!

We are still developing this program on a daily basis. Please check back regularly