This course allows musicians to explore ways of working together to make live electroacoustic music.
Working in small groups, the course participants create various systems in which live improvisation can take place.
Issues such as gesture mapping, group control, sound spatialisation and instrument/ interface design are explored.
The course uses a base of specialised Max/Msp programs, and an assortment of interfaces which can be customised during the course. Interfaces include the Icube, a blackboard sized touch sensitive screen. game controllers , keyboard, video.
Hardware consists of 2 macintosh laptops networked together using OSC, and 4 loudspeakers.
There is also discussion / listening to other branches of sonic art - including Soundscape and Acousmatic - with consideration of how these relate to live production.
Although this is not a course specifically about Max/Msp programming, it works as a practical introduction.
The course takes place at the Mary Ward centre, an old building near Kings Cross in London.
It occurs on 6 Saturdays (9 October - 20 November) from 2pm till 5 pm.
It costs