Delhi Film Archive is a space that supports the freedom of expression and fearless listening. It is an archive of documentaries, short films, images and all other material that stimulate a collective response to censorship and the control of ideas. DFA is the Delhi chapter of Films For Freedom, an all India collective of filmmakers that emerged in 2003 to protest against censorship at the Mumbai International Film Festival and in different public spaces across India.
All over the world, as channels of the mass media become a part of the corporate structure, television and image-making have steadily withdrawn into an artificial world of make-believe and propaganda, and it has increasingly been left to documentary films to tell the other stories.
Documentaries have the ability to enter the real lives of people, and the inner spaces of people’s struggles, their triumphs and setbacks. They have ripped apart the facades created by the propaganda machines of governments and industrial empires, they document important social events and present reflective journeys that question, disturb and inspire. And since they challenge, and seek to free, it is obvious that attempts will be made to control them, bind them and prevent their dissemination.
The Delhi Film Archive, is an autonomous platform, voluntarily run by filmmakers with the support of those who believe in free speech. It is independent of any state body or institutional support, and is run entirely with the voluntary contributions of individuals.