Digital Psionics

The Digital Psionics conception was formed in Dec 1998 by Luna Orbit and Luke Psywalker. This complimentary musical partnership was inspired to start a label, with the intentions of sharing the artistic integrity of electronic psy-trance with the wider global community. The duo offer an exquisite collection of quality music through Digital Psionics.

The Psionic mission has always been not to follow a particular style. Digital Psionics prides itself on releasing music that works on the dance floor, whilst at the same time supporting new and innovative artists in Australia and abroad. Digital Psionics represents a creative platform for global psy-trance artists to express their musical ingenuity and has established a reputation for sourcing quality cutting edge sounds.

You can find the label nestled amongst the tropical rain forest and pristine beaches of Byron Bay, Australia.

Digital Psionics is looking to source rare fresh sounds, so if this applies to you please contact the base at or

PO Box 1569
Byron Bay NSW 2481