notes about studying methods:
There is a method of reading that all of our students will benefit from; it is called the SQ3R. Let me describe how to use the SQRRR method (Believe me it is wonderfully efficient).
The Theory is based on the five letters in the name.
S Firstly when you meet new material, SURVEY it, which includes looking at the title, the headings, the pictures or diagrams (you know, what a kid would do when first picking up a book).
Q Then ask yourself a question like Is this what Einstein was on about? or How will this fit in with what I have already learned in this course?
R Only after asking yourself that focus question should you start reading. As you READ think of all the strategies our friend Harry used to keep his attention in focus. It does help to use all the strategies that are taught to kids to make them better readers (Read out loud, follow difficult materials with your finger, outline or copy key words, put comments in the margins, put a ruler under the line, in short anything that keeps us attending to what we are reading).
R Then RECITE, that means talk about, what you have read either to yourself or to another person (Dogs are great because they listen to every word their master says).
R The last step is to REVIEW . At this point go back and see if your question was answered by what you have been reading.
Why does the SQ3R work? Because it keeps your mind continually focused by using a variety of strategies to keep your attention.
Isn't the SQ3R a longwinded way of reading? No. It is not only efficient but also time effective. A student who uses the SQ3R method will read more quickly than another student who has to re-read material twice or even more times.
Why don't students all use this method if it's so great? The SQ3R method needs to be learnt and practiced. It involves a conscious effort on the part of the student to CHANGE their behaviours and use a new way of thinking and behaving. So becoming an optimist can certainly help enrich your study life.
Think about what the four students said about their reading styles. Can you recognize the pessimistic language like I have never and It is not possible for me.
You will remember what we have already discovered about the ABC. If you believe you can, YOU CAN.
As you identify each step for writing assignments note especially the people who can help you through to a successful conclusion.
Step1: Check with your lecturer or tutor or study buddies what the assignment question is asking.
Step 2: The CQU Librarian will help you access your information. Are you aware that each faculty has a resource librarian who will answer your questions? Another resource person is your study buddy. You will recall how Pete and Ali share resources for their assignments.
Step 3: Talking over your ideas and plans for the assignment with a study buddy can help clarify the direction, arguement or perspective you decide to take in your writing.
Step 4: Time to Evaluate; This is the time for you to ensure you have enough research material to start answering the question. You may need to supplement it later with further information but start writing as soon as you can. Pessimists NEVER get started whereas Optimists start their tasks NEXT.
Step 5: This stage you MUST complete alone to avoid plagiarism. Write your first draft. You now will have a number of topics or headers that you will explore through your assignment. Type them in as Headers, that you can remove later, but which will give your work some structure. Start with whatever area seems easiest and proceed to other areas. This is not the time to worry about writing style but aims to get your ideas and research written down.
Step 6: Working to improve your draft can involve family, a friend or the Communications Learning Centre. Others can help you identify grammatical errors, how clear your arguement is expressed, can make suggestions. In short this stage brings the assignment to life.
Step 7: If you have kept to your 10% rule you will have time to leave your work for some time then return to fine tune it with a fresh approach.