mmst11001 week 2 exercises - photoshop files - 3d ball

week 2 photoshop files for mmst11001 uni subject

different 3d balls, saved at different qualities
(unfortunately I cropped the drop shadow)

I should have spent more time on getting the image to look more 3d, but I wanted to try out the different formats vs filesizes and quality so I spent more time on this aspect.

3d_ball.jpg : manual save as jpg - medium quality (34 kb), 3d_ball.png : manual save as png - interlaced (75 kb)
3d_ball_adapt_128.gif : web save adaptive 128 colour gif (27 kb), 3d_ball_high.jpg : web save high quality jpg (18 kb)
3d_ball_low.jpg : web save low quality jpg (3 kb),3d_ball_medium.jpg : web save medium quality jpg (4.5 kb)
3d_ball_qual8.jpg : manual save as jpg quality=8 (36 kb),3d_ball_qual10.jpg : manual save as jpg high quality=10 (43 kb)
3d_ball_adapt_pattern_64.gif : manual save as gif adaptive pattern 64 colours (17 kb)

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