“Fatty, you with your thick face have hurt my instep!” (#5 in a series of actual English subtitles used in Hong Kong action movies)
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Howdy all,
It was a hectic week leading up to our David Lynch/Inland Empire Fundraiser – many thanks to the intrepid Dendy publicity team spearheaded by Jill Robson, who never fails to come through to us. Thanks also to everyone who attended; unfortunately we had around 60 payers, which didn’t raise as much as we were hoping for (we had 250 tickets to sell…ouch…). SO the piles of new DVDs on the Trash shelves don’t actually exist as yet… here’s hoping for a good Christmas.
Meanwhile, our TV ad saturation campaign begins in earnest on Channel 31 from tonight: our 4 sixty second commercials are played in their entirety just before Plan 9 From Outer Space at 8.30pm. Please let me know what you think – they’re in French, black and white with subtitles, and deliberately Godard-esque. How this sells the concept of the shop, I have no idea, but I hope you’ll at least be entertained. Vive la revolution! Cheers, Andrew
SCHLOCK TREATMENT: Drive-In Double and Triple Features hosted by Trash Video’s ANDREW LEAVOLD, 8.30pm every Friday on 31, your Community TV!
Premiering tonight before Plan 9… is Trash Video’s latest short film, a series of Godard-inspired sixty second commercials for Trash called “Apocalypse Mao, Or The Revolution Will Not Be Available On DVD: A Little Red Book In Four Chapters”. They’re b&w, in French with subtitles, and completely abstract! Let us know what you think…
FRIDAY 16th NOVEMBER: ED WOOD JR TRIPLE #2! Ed Wood’s most famous Z-grade masterpiece Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959), its pseudo-sequel Night Of The Ghouls (1959), plus teenage gang girls run riot in The Violent Years (1956)!
FRIDAY 23rd NOVEMBER: Our three B Kings return with The Thrill Killers (Ray Dennis Steckler, 1965), Zontar The Thing From Venus (Larry Buchanan, 1966), and the dead-headed western Deadwood 76 (Arch Hall Jr, 1965)
FRIDAY 30th NOVEMBER: ED WOOD JR TRIPLE #3! Schlock Treatment exposes the “kinkier” side of Ed Wood– the cross-dressing Glen Or Glenda (1953), the pornography-obsessed The Sinister Urge (1960), and the topless go-go ghoulathon Orgy Of The Dead (1965)!
You can now own your very own Schlock Treatment B-features on DVD-R. At $10 per movie (postpaid anywhere in Australia), you can go nuts! (PLEASE NOTE: Discs come without covers on DVD-R PAL all-region discs, and are believed to be in the public domain – we do not claim to have rights over the material, nor do we believe we are infringing copyright by copying them for your viewing pleasure!)
FOR YOUR HEIGHT ONLY (1981) Thats right - a FILIPINO MIDGET JAMES BOND RIPOFF!!! Follow Secret Agent Double O, played by three foot superstar Weng Weng, as he king hits the baddies in the crotch, gets the girl (shudder) and infiltrates the lair of the dwarf criminal mastermind Mr Giant. My vote for the MOST INSANE MOVIE OF ALL TIME!!!!!
THE IMPOSSIBLE KID (1982) Weng Weng is back (on a miniature motorbike!), working for Interpol and battling the powerful international supercriminal Sockhead!
D’WILD WILD WENG (1982) Weng Weng’s third and rarest starring role as “Mr Weng”, a government agent sent to the troubled Santa Monica to rescue the townsfolk from the corrupt new Mayor. It’s a midget Filipino western, with everyone in Mexican mustaches and sombreros! Fans of Weng Weng will recognize most of the cast from For Your Height Only and The Impossible Kid, and will spill their cereal over two-foot-nine Weng’s insane gravity-defying antics. Click on the full review at
MEXICAN MADNESS: Santa Claus (versus Satan!), Santo In The Wax Museum, Wrestling Women vs The Aztec Ape, Cry Of The Bewitched,
FREAKS AND DELINQUENTS: The Fast And The Furious, The Wild Ride (Jack Nicholson), Assassin Of Youth, Marihuana The Weed With Roots In Hell!, Reefer Madness, Freaks, The Terror Of Tiny Town, Chained For Life
EURO-A-GO-GO: First Spaceship On Venus, Assignment: Outer Space, Nightmare Castle (Barbara Steele), Lady Frankenstein, The Giant Of Metropolis, The Last Days Of Pompeii (Steve Reeves/Sergio Lisa And The Devil (Mario Bava), Battle Of The Worlds, The Torture Chamber Of Dr Sadism (Christopher Lee), Tombs Of The Blind Dead (Spanish zombies), Horror Of The Zombies (Blind Dead #3), Bloody Pit Of Horror, Nosferatu, Fangs Of The Living Dead, Horrors Of Spider Island, King Of Kong Island, Werewolf In A Girl’s Dormitory
SONNY CHIBA: The Street Fighter, Return Of The Street Fighter, Sister Street Fighter, The Street Fighter’s Last Revenge
MAD, BAD KUNG FU: Champ Against Champ, The Dragon Lives Again, Devil’s Express, The Good, The Bad And The Loser, The Clones Of Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee Fights Back From The Grave, The Godfather Squad, Duel Of The Iron Fist, Ninja The Protector
DRIVE-IN HORROR & SCI FI! Beast From Haunted Cave, The Atomic Brain, The Amazing Transparent Man, I Walked With A Zombie, Night Of The Living Dead, White Zombie, The Brain Eaters, The Brain That Wouldn’t Die, The Brain From Planet Arous, Carnival Of Souls, The Astounding She-Monster Fall Of The House Of Usher, The Last Man On Earth, The Galaxy Invader, Shriek Of The Mutilated, Claw Of Terror, Bucket Of Blood, Little Shop Of Horrors, The Wasp Woman, Cat-Women Of The Moon
MORE PHILIPPINES WEIRDNESS: Curse Of The Vampires, Beast Of The Yellow Night, TNT Jackson, Mad Doctor Of Blood Island, Beast Of Blood, The Blood Drinkers, Brides Of Blood, Blood Creature, Blood Thirst
JAPANESE MONSTERS: Gamera The Invincible, Warning From Space, Destroy All Planets (Gamera), The X From Outer Space
ARCH HALL Jr: Eegah! (1962), Wild Guitar (1962), The Sadist (1963), The Nasty Rabbit (1964)
SPAGHETTI WESTERNS (and WAR): A Bullet For The General, Boot Hill (Terence Hill/Bud Spencer), They Call Me Trinity (Hill/Spencer), My Name Is Nobody (Hill & Sergio Leone!), A Town Called Bastard, Five For Hell, Texas Adios, Keoma, Run Man Run, A Bullet For Sandoval, The Battle Of The Last Panzer, Four Of The Apocalypse (Lucio Fulci)
JUST PLAIN WEIRD: Hercules Goes Bananas (Schwarzie’s first!), Santa Claus Conquers The Martians (insane kiddie nightmare from 1964), Incubus (William Shatner 1965 horror in ESPERANTO!)
INTO THE WILD: When 22 year old college graduate Christopher McCandless (Emile Hirsch, Lords of Dogtown, Alpha Dogs) walked away from a promising career and a life of privilege into the wild in search of adventure, his journey transformed him into an enduring symbol for countless people. Each strand of this real life journey is woven into Sean Penns screen adaptation of Jon Krakauer’s acclaimed bestseller INTO THE WILD, which is as much about the insatiable yearning for family, home and connection, as it is the search for truth and happiness. McCandless quest took him from the wheat fields of South Dakota on a renegade trip down the Colorado River to the non-conformists’ refuge of Slab City, California, and beyond. Along the way, he encountered a series of colorful characters at the very edges of society who shaped his understanding of the world and in turn McCandless changed their lives forever. In the end, he tested himself by heading alone into the wilds of the great North, where everything he had seen and learned and felt came to a head in ways he could never have expected. INTO THE WILD is an unforgettable journey, brought to the big screen by Academy Award® winner Sean Penn and starring Marcia Gay Harden, William Hurt, Catherine Keener, Vince Vaughn and Jena Malone. With cinematography by Eric Gautier (The Motorcycle Diaries) and a soundtrack by Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder, INTO THE WILD is a haunting, stunning film, simply not to be missed. We have TWENTY DOUBLE PASSES to give away this weekend to the first 20 customers to rent something, for the special SNEAK PREVIEW SCREENINGS for any participating cinema over the weekend Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th November, courtesy of the wildcats at Paramount Pictures. Click
Inauguration of the Cine-Soma Friday 16th November 2007, 6pm - 11pm at Institute of Modern Art, 420 Brunswick St, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Australia Beam in to the glorious revelry of the 3rd OtherFilm Festival opening night. This gala happening samples from the glittering galaxy of expanded cinema stars gracing this year's OFF, celebrating the startling promiscuity & seductive fidelity of contemporary experimental cinematic expression. Refreshments provided for the lips, eyes & ears. Join us as we flick the switch to synaesthesia. IMO Orchestra (Brisbane/Japan)
free-wheeling big-band excursions into pop-chaos & noise-love… Deadnotes (Brisbane) sublime post-punk mariachi miniatures… Robin Fox / Ross Manning (Melbourne) high-octane light/sound sensitive arcane technophilia… Nigel Bunn (Dunedin, New Zealand) hand-crafted/mind-manifested celluloid machine-object-sculptures… Vladimir (Portland, USA) customized-collectivised individual cinematic spectacles with View-Masters™ & reels provided for all. Plus optical sample bags by Cait Foran, Palate-pleasing catering by There's a Hair in This! And The Forest Café, drinks by Little Creatures and Fiji Water.
Monster Soup Saturday 17th November 2007, 2pm – 11pm at Ahimsa House, 26 Horan St, West End, Brisbane, Australia Film & food – art-forms usually subjected to industrial mass-production, but so much more scrumptious when hand-made with love. Break some bread with us as we nourish all the senses by honouring OFF07 special guest Dirk de Bruyn with a luscious retrospective screening & nutritionally-enriched talks on avant-garde film. 2pm Vegan Cooking open workshop - the art & craft of cruelty-free cuisine: hands-on demos, discussion of 'the edible metaphor' & recipe swappage (bring your fave!) 7pm Discourse with Jam & Bread (come early for eating & seating) Delectation & discussion by workshop participants, facilitators & invited guests Aktionist Appetiser by Jon Dale (Adelaide) KUNST/UND REVOLUTION: Action/Film/Vision Dinner Discourse by Sally McIntyre (Christchurch, New Zealand) From Len Lye to Lovin' on Like Minds: Expr-MINTAL Fillum in EnZed, Dessert Debate by Danni Zuvela (OtherFilm), Fetish Object or Ancestor Worship? Film & the Subversion of Digital Terra Nullius, Shining Light Struck Screening of collective film made by OFF07 participants, presented by Kerry Laitala, Venting Gallery (nomadic / New Zealand) celluloid, danger, perversion & the unknown/unknowable, Dirk de Bruyn Retrospective Screening Program (Melbourne) A peek into the past of an Australian experimental cinema legend. Glorious 16mm film program with sympathetic vibrations by Jon Dale, Joel Stern, Lloyd Barrett & Joe Musgrove.
Looking Backward<>Looking Forward Sunday 18th November 2007, 6pm - 11pm at Institute of Modern Art, 420 Brunswick St, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Australia. Gaze, unfazed, into the light: looking back into avant-garde cinematic history, & forward to the future of film as a medium. Soaked in the silky glow of film's ongoing twilight zone, this is film art suffused with an intensely sensual inner-spaciness. Tonight we bring the brightest new film asterisms, leading lights & historical luminaries together in the exploration of the continually unfolding cinematic present. Small Gauge Gaze OtherFilm-commissioned multi-beam Super8 experiments by Anika Wilkins, Eric Bridgeman, Nathan Corum, Lucy Ransome, Chloe Cogle & Marian Drew; with atmospheres by Sophie Adamus, Lisa Miller, Christina Tester Daji Igarashi (Hiroshima, Japan) / Midori Kawai (Shiga, Japan) cosmological photo-sonic installation environment rapture Louise Curham (Sydney) / Erik Griswold (Brisbane) eye-vibrating jewel-hued Super8 assemblages showered with sonic objects, prepared strings & ivories Dirk de Bruyn (Melbourne) / Warren Burt (Wollongong) star-crossed reunion of long-term significant others, re-consummating their Four Seasons; radiant 16mm multi-beam macrocosmic miscellanea performance Bruce McClure (New York, USA) violently, beautifully stroboscopic 16mm extravaganza probing the spatial & sensual boundaries of space & prolonging the pleasure of the film projector
Curated by Sally Golding, Joel Stern and Danni Zuvela – OtherFilm
MORE WENG WENG DISCOVERED! Thanks to Simon Santos in Philippines (, two more Weng Weng films uncovered: The Cute The Sexy n The Tiny (1982) and an early one from 1978 (possibly his film debut): Chopsuey Met Big Time Papa (1978)! Click for more details
TRASH VIDEO: “Carefully cleaning our collection of personal hygiene films since 1995”
1/73 Vulture St , West End Qld 4101, Australia
ph 07 38447844 (or intl code + 61 + 7 + 38447844)
OPENING HOURS: Monday to Thursday 12pm to 9pm, Friday to Sunday 10am to 10pm