ePrints@UQ is a deposit collection of papers to showcase the research output of UQ academic staff and postgraduate students across a range of subjects and disciplines, both before and after peer-reviewed publication.
The ePrints@UQ server provides free, searchable access to this research and manages its long-term archiving. UQ staff and students must register to deposit papers. Here's how.
ePrints@UQ is part of a Group of Eight initiative to make the research output of Australian Universities visible, accessible and usable through a global network of interlinked services such as OAIster. See the ePrints FAQ for more information. Check publishers' copyright policies at SHERPA.
ePrints@UQ is part of a wider project entitled eScholarship@UQ. The aim of this DEST-funded project is to make all of UQ's research accessible via a centralised gateway.