drawing with thread workshop

today I went to a workshop called "drawing with thread" at the Art Gallery of NSW where we played and tinkered with stitches and coloured threads. it was taught by Alex Falkiner and was lots of fun. Alex showed us how to use different stitches to recreate drawing marks, different lines and block colour techniques, and to ask ourselves "what would happen if ...", and to find the whimsy, playfulness and randomness in making. there were a mix of fluoro colours which I hadn't used before, so it was fun to try. very relaxing. Alex also spoke of making things that don't *have* to be functional. this is something I need to practice - previously I've don't mostly functional craft making over the years

it was great to see fellow OCA textiles classmates Judy and Eva at the workshop too — Judy wrote a post about the day at https://fibresofbeing.wordpress.com/2014/11/21/t1e1p1-workshop-alex-falk...

lots of great discussions also, and names of other artists to check out - recommended by Alex plus others in the workshop.

stitches & tips:
- spring stitch (stem stitch) - transitions between shapes
- scribble on the fabric with your non-dominant hand in pencil then backstitch over it to draw the lines
- threading needles - bring the needle to the thread to make it easier
- button hole stitch for the loose netting
-- ---> | ---> | ---> | then back the other way | <--- | <--- | <---
- french knots - olives: if loose, then come back to the side with another colours and tack it down
- linen thread is loopy / rounded by nature so good for the curved netting shapes (gutermann linen thread)

artists to consider:
Tilleke Schwartz
Gwen Hedley
Allison Watkins ::: closet studies
Dorothy Caldwell ::: tactile writing and the written word. walking with stitch workshop
Demelza Sherwood ::: portraits
Ruth Hadlow ::: patternbook & working with threads and nails & translating the textiles university world
textile fibre forum in geelong
Natasza Niedziolka ::: colouring in shapes, like aerial landscapes, tacks down knots amongst the lines
Marian Bijilenga ::: objects
Nick Cave ::: sound suits
my stitching
the whole class' stitching