Submitted by AliaK on Sun, 18/01/2015 - 09:53
Tilda Swinton's performance of "Cloakroom"
extracts from the article by Susanne Madsen — emphasis added by me for the key points relating to my research:
It’s not every day you line up at a cloakroom and hand over your ticket to Tilda Swinton, who hurries back towards the rails to fetch your stuff and delicately presents it to you. But that was what happened at Swinton and fashion historian Olivier Saillard’s Cloakroom performance in Florence this week, where the audience were invited to leave things throughout the play, which Tilda then contemplated and interacted with, from her licking a jacket to throwing herself full force on top of a coat and burying her face in a hood, in a gesture of bringing out the poetry in ‘ordinary’ clothes.