LABS - Leonardo Abstracts Service

LABS, Leonardo ABstracts Service

LABS is a comprehensive database of abstracts of Ph.d, Masters and MFA theses in the
emerging intersection between art, science and technology. Persons who have received advanced degress in arts (visual, sound, performing, text), computer sciences, the sciences
and/or technology which in some way investigate philosophical, historical, critical
or applications of science or technology to the arts are invited to submit an abstract
of their thesis for publication consideration in this database.

In this initial phase only theses available in English are being considered, but
LABS will shortly accept abstract submission for theses in other languages.
The abstracts will be placed on-line at Pomona College, Claremont, California,
so that interested persons can access them at no cost. An international Peer Review
Panel (PRP) made up of academics and artists will review the abstracts; the PRP is
chaired by Professor Sheila Pinkel of Pomona College. In addition to being published
in the database, a selection of Abstracts selected by this panel for their special relevance will
be published quarterly in Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA), Leonardo's monthly
peer reviewed e-journal, and authors of abstracts most highly ranked by the panel
will also be invited to submit an article for publication considerationin Leonardo
Journal . Authors of theses interested in having their thesis abstract considered for
publication should fill out the Thesis Abstract Submittal form at

The English language peer review panel for 2004/2005 are
Pau Alsina, Jody Berland, Sean Cubitt, Frieder Nake, Sheila Pinkel and Stephen Petersen.
Please fill out the following form and submit it to our database. This form is designed only for theses that have been completed and approved by the degree-granting institution. Your form will be placed in a database of Ph.D. abstracts which will be available to subscribers to LEA.

In addition, the abstracts will be reviewed by a peer review panel and twenty-four abstracts a year will be published quarterly in LEA (six in March, June, September, and December).

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