Frigid, the weekly electronic music Sunday nighter, is finally coming to an
end on September 28.
Its been seven crazy years since it opened at the ground floor of Kinselas
back in July 1996. Then it was the Dendy in Martin Place, from 1997 to 1999,
way before anyone thought the Dendy could be used as a venue, then the
Newtown Globe, and most recently the Hopetoun Hotel in Surry Hills. Music
has changed a lot in those years and Frigid played host to almost everyone
who has played live electronic music or interesting hip hop in Sydney since
1996. Plus a stack of international acts from Squarepusher to Kodwo Eshun,
Sutekh, Jan Jelinek, David Shea, Burnt Friedman and so many more. There were
wild NYE parties too, and some very crazy times indeed that granchildren
will hear of in wistful fireside stories.
But in 2003, Frigid has outlived its relevance. Live electronic music and
leftfield hip hop may still need a home but at least for a little while,
that is someone else's business. The last Frigid will feature Sub Bass
Snarl, Ollo, Prince Valium (of The Herd) and Clark Nova for one final mashup
of old favourites and new necessities.
In October you'll have to find somewhere else to go. Somewhere else to hear
good music on Sunday night. Maybe that place is at home with your ear tuned
to FBI or 2SER., and your eyes reading a copy of Cyclic Defrost.
Something new will start at the Hopetoun in November on Sundays which may
feature some of the people you have known from Frigid over the years, but
you'll have to wait and see. Otherwise, go forth and make your own musical
culture. Make it grow strong, and make it grow beyond the boundaries of your
own 'scene'.
Thank you to everyone who has played at, djed at, and come along to Frigid
over the years. We will miss you.
Seb Snarl