#vlomo10 day9 video : records and heat


I've been following the Heat for Huntz fundraiser auction on ebay and watching the hilltop hoods records go through the roof. I remembered I had one of these and found a bag of records. these ones are out of my price range for the auction but I've got some others on my watchlist for the end of the auction. this is one of the reasons I love the Aus hip hop community - they really look out for each other! Hunter has cancer and the money is being raised for him and his son to help them out. I hope we get to donate too. I should have mentioned more of this in the video, but I ended up waffling on about hip hop record prices. the video is longer than I expected - too long I think. and the file is larger than I like (~80Mb). but I'm tired now so it will have to do for day9's video. we're hoping to work on another hip hop community project (if it comes together) so perhaps we can add a donation page to that if it happens.

day 9

blog post @ http://www.aliak.com/content/vlomo10-day9-video-records-and-heat
more info at http://www.aliak.com/content/heat-huntz-hip-hop-fundraiser
fundraiser auction @ http://shop.ebay.com.au/wordburner/m.html

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