WINK (Wired Innovative Naughty Kids) Awards 2003

WINK (Wired Innovative Naughty Kids) Awards 2003

With all the political madness, violence and lies we have had to endure in
recent times, we're sure you'll agree that the need to subvert the dominant
political and cultural paradigm using the electronic arts is more critical
than ever.

If we here at the B(if)tek Corporation had the cash to buy up all the
weapons manufacturing plants in the world, we would divert their military
components into the production of useful civilian machines: like 808s,
vocoders and swingchronisers.

But world domination is still a little way off, so the best we can do with
our humble bank account is to give our money away yet again to artists and
activists whose deviant passions and visions make us whoop with glee.

That means the WINK (Wired Innovative Naughty Kids) Awards are back again!

We want you all to enter - now! The categories are the same as last year
(see below) but the gala awards night will be even more glamorous.

The WINKs will be held on Saturday 27 September at the brand spanking new,
state-of-the-art Australian Centre for the Moving Image at Federation
Square, Melbourne. So feel free to start thinking about what you will wear

In 2002, we had double the entries (from all around the world) than we had
in 2001. Let's go for triple in 2003!

Call for entries: we are receiving submissions from today.
Closing date for entries: 15 August
How to enter: the on-line entry form is here
Where to send objects: PO Box 2305, Fitzroy MDC, Vic 3065 AUSTRALIA


1.. Subvert the dominant paradigm award. A prize of $2000 will be awarded
to the best use of electronic art and/or media to subvert mainstream
political and cultural values.
2.. Best video clip made for under $5000.
3.. Best home-made machine or software modification.
4.. Best piece of electronic art made by a gal.
5.. Best unsigned electronic music act.

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'This Is Not Art' (Newcastle, October)

'Straight Out of Brisbane' (Brisbane, November)
A new festival of independent and emerging arts and culture.

NEW festival forums at

Newcastle NSW
1 - 6 Oct 2003

::: category:

::: location: