tap water in Delhi - it looks the same as home but I get sick if I drink any of this. they have free bottles of water to drink & brush your teeth with at the hotels. the hotels have extra filtration systems, but I'd rather not risk it.
in Delhi water trucks drive around the streets and people take plastic bottles & buckets to fill up once a day. in some villages / hutments (slums) the communal tap only works for an hour or so twice a day - early in the morning or later at night. whilst India gets a lot of water in monsoon season - some cities flood - there's problems with the quality of water. in people's homes there's usually a water filter for a special drinking tap separate to the main water feed. so whilst at home we take it for granted that the water from the tap is safe to drink, in some places it's a luxury.
(trying out the zoom like in the other water tap videos - I don't seem to have a macro setting, or if I do I haven't found it yet)
actually I liked the sounds of the different streams of water as it went down the drain
VloMo08 - day13 - Delhi (Gurgaon) tap water
blog entry :
VloMo08 : day13 - Delhi tap water from kath on Vimeo.