trying out python - to make a little windows gui that builds xml files (hopefully - that's the plan anyway..)
I haven't used python before so not really sure if these are the correct steps
- downloaded python 2.6.5 - initially I downloaded 2.7 but then when I downloaded the windows extensions it said it wanted version 2.6 : python-2.6.5.msi (python-2.7.msi) -> C:\cdrive\_apps\python265
- downloaded python windows extensions : pywin32-214.win32-py2.6.exe
- downloaded Wing IDE 101 - a free windows ide
also tried these but got too lazy to set them all up when they didn't work first go as they were missing other things/versions :
( - downloaded Eric python IDE - version 4 (because I'm using python 2.6.5 not 3.1)
previously, I tried these but have version mismatch issues on my pc, so trying Eric in meantime so I can get started quicker )
( - had a look at this video showing python in eclipse IDE )
( - downloaded eclipse IDE for Java EE - not sure if this is the one I need, but it seems to be the largest on the eclipse download page so I'll see how it goes (I'm not doing EE atm though..) )
( - download java VM 1.5 (the 1.4.03 I had installed needs to be upgraded) (I have Java 1.0.17 installed - java 6 update 17) )
( - downloading java 6 update 21 - still complaining I need VM 1.5 so this wasn't required )
- downloading Java EE 6 SDK Update 1 (with JDK 6 U20)
this page says I need:
Microsoft Windows XP, x86-32, Win32 running (any of):
* Sun Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 Update 11 for Microsoft Windows
* IBM 32-bit SDK for Windows, Java 2 Technology Edition 5.0, SR4
* BEA JRockit 5.0, for Microsoft Windows
* Sun Java 2 Standard Edition 1.4.2_14 for Microsoft Windows
* IBM 32-bit SDK for Windows, Java 2 Technology Edition 1.4.2 SR7
* BEA JRockit 1.4.2, for Microsoft Windows
- XML phython help page
python tutorial:
- python tutorial page