first attempt at weaving in cloth. there's quite a few 'mistakes' where I flip flopped (let's call it "flipped a bit" in engineering terms) but it adds to the charm and makes it unique (& if it were a gene, then now there's a new mutation?)
I like the looser weave when I first started too - I almost kept it like that but decided to finish it to see what it'd look like. I did manage to pull the fabric and create a hole in the corner though. I tried to get variable spaced warps but then this slowed the weaving down a lot as I made more mistakes and had to work out where I was more often. I used different thickness & colour threads to create some more variation. has more pics
I'm going to have to try more of these - it was great fun. this is inspired by jude hill's "considering weave" class
another idea i'd had since seeing a 3d weaving machine online this week was to put posts (pins in pincushion or toothpicks?) and try weave up too to create contours, maybe like a crater edge in the earth. not sure if it'd work yet. will have to think more and see how this guy's machine is doing it it sort of reminds me of those french knitting tools (pegs with nails on the top) except you don't twist the yarn and it builds the piece in multiple dimensions / directions.