Submitted by AliaK on Tue, 29/07/2003 - 22:18
Wacky Wedge Wednesday - Extended One More Week!!! Wednesday 30th July 5:30-10pm Wedges $5 (This price will not last long). The distant cousin of the Intergalactic Swing Merchants will be playing this Wednesday as well. "a jazz quartet". from 8:30pm
Submitted by AliaK on Tue, 29/07/2003 - 22:18
Entropic have a show at The Studio, Sydney Opera House this Friday 1st & Saturday 2nd August with Tracky Dax and Cazerine Barry. Fri 1 & Sat 2 Aug The Studio, SOH 9.30pm || $25/$20
Submitted by AliaK on Thu, 24/07/2003 - 00:42
CALL FOR ENTRIES CLOSING DATE IS AUGUST 10, 2003. Sydney Olympic Park has been staging many national and international performances and exhibitions that comprised its major public programming since Sydney Olympic Games 2000. Short Soup international short film and food festival is an initiative by SOPA (Sydney Olympic Park Authority) to present and promote culturally diverse communities in the Western Sydney region by mixing the two essential ingredients 'Art' and 'Culture' over one-day celebration.
Submitted by AliaK on Wed, 23/07/2003 - 23:59
P o p c o r n T a x i : S c r e e n i n g s P r o g r a m - S y d n e y : Wednesday July 30th - 7:30 pm
Popcorn Taxi presents an advance preview of a new American horror film CABIN FEVER, followed by an on-stage conversation and Q&A session with the highly entertaining Director, Co-Writer and Producer of the film ELI ROTH.