Mark Pollard / Stealth Magazine

artist / DJ / project name:
Mark Pollard / Stealth Magazine

myspace page:



hip hop

Australian artist / DJ / project?:

can AliaK contact you for more info?:

are you a currently active artist / DJ / project?:

discography / releases:
Issue 1 to Issue 14 :)

bio - short:
hip hop magazine (Stealth Magazine) publisher, writer, event organiser

Any favourite artists, influential DJs or must-have labels?:
Too many too many. Most of the stuff I personally like I try to cover in the magazine so if you go through our back issues that will give you a partial indication.

Are you documenting / archiving your music / performances. If so, how?:
Yes – each issue:) I have a tonne of MDs, cassettes and reel-to-reels of interviews I've done over the years. I want to get them online one day.

How would you describe your style of writing music / musical / artistic policy?:
We cover hip hop and artists from around the world who understand and take an interest in the culture they are involved in.

What are your thoughts on the Australian music community?:
Not sure about non-hip hop but the hip hop community is pretty cool. It used to get a bit feisty but generally speaking there are people you can connect with who are building with a similar vision and it just feels like Voltron pushing down barriers. It’s pretty cool to be a part of.

What are your thoughts on the internet & music / filesharing / DRM etc?:
It isn't going to go away. It just means that smart groups will find a way to use it to their advantage and explore other revenue streams that they can generate.

What excites you now?:
The quality of local hip hop is just getting better across the board. It used to be about a handful of the major cities in Australia. Now there are crews doing really good stuff all over the place. It's inspiring.

Where can we see or listen to you playing / your project?:
Newsagencies and record stores around Australia or online at

Which directions do you think your style of music / project will take in the future?:
For the mag – more of the same, just better, more detailed, more original.

::: location: