this afternoon I discovered a magic garden down the other end of the property. I'd driven past this but never seen the walking paths. the paths criss-cross through the back streets. they seem quite busy - I came across a few people whilst exploring. it's been raining for the past few days but had stopped about an hour earlier. the birds seemed overly happy - chirping and singing to the sky above. they seemed fresh and clean, like the cool fresh air after the rain. I recorded the soundwalk - this is one block back from the road, so I was surprised at how little traffic noise could be heard, except for the occasional car driving past.
this is posted on my pool page - as part of the birdland project
sound walk audio file page :
(skip the first 11sec or so - I forgot to trim the silence from the start of recording)
23:40 mm:ss audio recording (mp3)
mp3 file (54.2Mb)
video file page: