Submitted by AliaK on Wed, 04/02/2015 - 20:51
female pressure is an international network of female artists in the fields of electronic music: from musicians, composers and DJs to visual artists, cultural workers and researchers. A worldwide resource of female talent that can be searched after criteria like location, profession, style or name. "Why are there so few women active in the electronic music scene?" - each one of us has heard this question a thousand times... Here is the answer: It's not our number, it's about how and if we are recognized!
female:pressure intends to strengthen networking, communication and representation - a standard instrument to obtain information about artists, contact them, and find out about other, maybe less known women working in the fields of electronic music all around the globe.
visit for more details

Submitted by AliaK on Wed, 04/02/2015 - 20:46
HYSTERIA is a periodical, platform and collective for feminist poetry, testimonies, essays, comments, photography, performances, videos, paintings, opinions, excerpts, objections and all mediums of expression.
They are looking for radical and boundary-breaking feminist works spanning a wide range of topics from collectives, individuals, defiant institutions.
see more at:
Submitted by AliaK on Mon, 26/12/2005 - 11:44
The Spunk Library collects and distributes literature in electronic format, with an emphasis on anarchism and related issues. For a more complete description of what Spunk is about you can view the Spunk Manifesto.
Submitted by AliaK on Sun, 06/11/2005 - 17:56
Bitch | Feminist Response to Pop Culture is a print magazine devoted to incisive commentary on our media-driven world. We feature critiques of TV, movies, magazines, advertising, and more—plus interviews with and profiles of cool, smart women in all areas of pop culture.