Submitted by komerwer on Sun, 03/05/2009 - 06:45
Submitted by AliaK on Thu, 30/04/2009 - 11:29
Inder Salim on reader-l posted about The Mango Tree in his community. some people in his block of flats have 'claimed' the fruit from the tree as their own, and he comments about the validity of this.
at the end of the article, Inder asks, "So has anybody tasted a real mango, if there is one, and if yes, who deserves to eat that, and relish?". I've taken his question as literal and replied with the below post. I didn't comment on the issues that are also mentioned in the article - about people in his community living well together and sharing the fruit of the common tree - breaking down the community social control structures, or regarding some of the children who may not have eaten a mango. on the reader-l, a couple of people commented on some of his terms, calling them racist.
hi Inder, my mango eating experience is also from Australia similar to
Submitted by kathy on Tue, 12/06/2007 - 09:06
Submitted by kathy on Tue, 12/06/2007 - 08:33