Cyclic Defrost Magazine CD compilation - call for submissions

Cyclic Defrost Magazine is compiling a CD of independent
Australian electronic music, avant rock, experimental sound and oddball
local hip hop. It has been a long time coming and will be released in
June between issue 11 (end April) & 12 (August).

This CD will be made available for FREE at the following
European festivals - Sonar 2005 (Barcelona, Spain), Ars Electronica
(Linz, Austria) and Popkomm (Berlin, Germany). Limited quantities will
also be given to distributors, promoters, music media, magazines and
radio in Tokyo and London. Any left will be distributed locally to media
in Australia.

We are calling for submissions for the CD.

Here are the rules for submitting and further info on the CD.

Q. Why should I want to be on this CD compared to other sampler
A. Unlike other sampler CDs which are usually put together by
record labels, the Cyclic Defrost CD will be perceived as independent,
impartial and without a specific agenda by receiving media, overseas
promoters and distributors. Also, because it is being curated by Cyclic
Defrost you can be assured that your track will not sit beside other
music that is completely unrelated to your sound.

Q. Why should I want to be on this CD when it goes overseas?
A. The Cyclic Defrost CD is being distributed to the 'people in
the know' at three of the biggest specialist music events in Europe. We
are targeting Sonar for its broad specialist electronic music appeal,
Ars Electronica for its sound art and new media appeal, and Popkomm for
making an assault on labels (who might decide to license your track) and
distributors (who might want to distribute your records).

Q. What/who can submit?
A. We are ONLY accepting submissions from Australian artists.
These artists can however be released on overseas labels. Ideally you
are also an Australian resident although this will be assessed on a case
by case basis as I know some Aussies are based o/s.

Q. What do I submit?
A. We are accepting only TWO tracks from each artist. Labels are
welcome to send us a CD full of tracks as long as they abide by this

Q. Do tracks have to be finished/mastered?
A. All submitted tracks must be ready to be included on the
final CD. If the final CD is mastered then it will only be done in a way
to ensure all the tracks are of equal volume - individual tracks will
not be mastered. Make sure your track is completed, ready and the best
possible quality - this is for your own good!

Q. How do I submit?
A. We are ONLY accepting submissions on CD/CDR. No other formats
will be accepted. No MP3s. No submissions will be returned. Sorry.

Q. Where do I send submissions?
A. Cyclic Defrost Headquarters, PO Box A2073, Sydney South, NSW

Q. Is there a deadline?
A. The deadline for all submissions is April 6. No tracks will
be accepted after this date.

Q. How are you selecting the tracks that will get on to the
final CD?
A. A panel of listeners will review the 20 to 30 or so finalists
and then condense this down to what will fit on the CD and what fits
best together with the other finalists.

Q. If my track is accepted, what happens?
A. We will contact you via email - so make sure your submission
has an email address clearly written on it and that you check that
address regularly.

Q. If my track is accepted, do I have to do anything else?
A. If your track is accepted we will ask you to sign a document
that clears us of liability if your work infringes the copyright of
other people. If your track contains samples then it is your
responsibility to clear us of liability for anything you should clear or

Q. If my track is accepted, do I have to pay anything?
A. Yes. For each successful track you will be required to make a
small contribution towards the overall pressing and freight costs of the
CD. The exact figure is yet to be finalised but will be unlikely to
exceed $50-100 per track depending on the size of the pressing run.

Q. Will I be able to include contact details with my track if it
is successful?
A. Definitely. We will strongly encourage this, and, costs
permitting, may even do a small insert booklet with limited bio details.

Q. What makes Cyclic Defrost sure it can do a better job of
getting my track into the ears of the right people overseas than 'my
mate Paul' who is going overseas too?
A. Over the past seven years the Cyclic Defrost team has
travelled to the UK, Europe, Japan and America multiple times and has
built strong relationships with other media, labels and 'the right
people'. We have been represented at Sonar for the past two years, as
well as spoken on panels at both Mutek and other events. Although there
are plenty of Australians who might take your CD overseas with them when
they travel, you can be assured that Cyclic Defrost has the contacts to
make sure it gets into the right hands - not just any hands. We will be
having prearranged meetings with other media, distributors, labels and
promotion agencies in each city we travel through. Further, because we
are specialist we won't be speaking to people whose musical interests
are irrelevant. And at Popkomm where labels will be vying with each
other to speak to distributors, we will be there as media and not trying
to just 'sell product'.

Q. What makes the Cyclic Defrost CD different to genre samplers
put together by other organisations for trade fairs?
A. Unlike other sampler, the CD is being curated by people who
intimately know specialist genres and understand that there is a
difference between microgenres. You won't find a hard house track on our

Any other questions - email me.



Cyclic Defrost Magazine
P.O.Box A2073
Sydney South
NSW 1235

Cyclic Defrost is an independently operated quarterly electronic
music magazine based in Sydney, Australia. Cyclic Defrost is distributed
in Australia by Inertia Distribution. It gratefully acknowledges the
support of the Australia Council For The Arts.
