here's a freemind mindmap summary (exported to xhtml using javascript) I made after watching the TED Talks Kevin Kelly presentation.
- TED Talks
- Kevin Kelly
- what does technology want?
- what are the long term trends in technology
- turns out it it the same as in biological evolution
- drift towards specialisation
- diversity
- towards ubiquity
- drift towards complexity over time
- increasing sociability
- machines are becoming biological
- technology is the 7th kingdom of life (phylum)
- old technology is the base of new technology
- one difference between technology and biology
- technologies don't die
- you can delay technologies but not kill it completely
- culture is the accumulation of ideas
- life hacking
- the infinite game
- the singularity
- using technology to progress evolution
- Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems and the Economic World
Watch the video @
Wired Editor-at-Large Kevin Kelly on TEDTalks