Burramatta Family Fun Day
Sunday 8 July 2012
10:00am - 3:00pm
Prince Alfred Park, Parramatta
The traditional owners of Parramatta, the Dharug People, invite you, your family and friends to join them in their NAIDOC Week celebrations. Everyone is invited to this free event featuring kid's amusements, live entertainment, free workshops and bush food and bush medicine displays!
- Traditional Tree Painting
- Taronga Zoo, Australian Animals Display
- Didgeridoo playing workshops
- Rock and Boomerang painting
- Traditional Basket weaving
- NSW Rugby League and AFL workshops
- Aboriginal Dance
Get ready for an action packed day of live entertainment highlighting Australia's rich Indigenous heritage.
Live music program featuring:
- Shellie Morris
- The Stiff Gins
- Sharnee Fenwick
- Microwave Jenny
- Col Hardy
- Marcus Corowa
visit the Burramatta Family Day event page for more details