
online education

EntheoGenisis Australia Conference 2006 - Experimental Shamanic Trance Dance, Sacred Plant and Sound System Workshop

The organizers and speakers at EGA believe that information about psychoactive plants and chemicals should be readily available. Also that only through creating such a space, where we can talk freely on such matters, can methods for harm reduction and the true benefits of such substance be explored. Entheogenesis Australis is a collection of thinkers from all walks of life, we come together to share knowledge about sacred plants, chemical alchemy and states of consciousness. We are coming to tune in to the Mother Earth and take her fight back out into the world. We want to share and explore experiences, trance and dance. it is about growth, for the mind and the land.

This experimental workshop is an invitation to those individuals who are interested in the trance dance experience as providing an opportunity for mind/body/spirit/soul development. EGA 2006 will be a unique opportunity for people who are experienced in the dance floor and consciousness development approach to try something new, different, fun and well focused, that is totally aimed at extending the boundaries of each participants current experiential and knowledge paradigms.

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citeulike - academic papers link system

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CiteULike is a free service to help academics to share, store, and organise the academic papers they are reading. When you see a paper on the web that interests you, you can click one button and have it added to your personal library. CiteULike automatically extracts the citation details, so there's no need to type them in yourself. It all works from within your web browser. There's no need to install any special software.

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workshop : max/msp course @ Goldsmiths College, London

max/msp course notes
19 March 2005
Goldsmiths College, London

bang & toggle -> easy way to see what's going on in the patch; test; use it to print values

apple m = status window
number box passes on info when it receives the bang

- off when 0 (int)
- on for any other int value
- if it gets a float, it truncates the decimal to give 0 or 1 eg 1.57 would give 1; 0.73 would give 0

Diploma in CCD (online) 2005

CCDNSW's Diploma in Community Cultural Development (online) provides participants with the competencies needed to work in community cultural development at a project and program management level. In particular this flexible diploma course is designed for cultural workers, organisers, artists, as well as people working in fields allied to community cultural development, including: environment, health, youth work, social work, Indigenous, and cultural diversity. Read more for details or visit

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Questia - online library

Questia is an online library of books and journals. Some free books are available whilst others are accessible via subscription. visit for more details

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