interaction design

interaction design

interactive documentary symposium

A symposium around interactive documentary is being conducted by RMIT’s nonfictionLab on Monday February 16.

Monday, February 16. 10am - 4pm
RMIT University, City Campus

Interactive documentary is a developing new field of audio visual nonfiction. It combines documentary film with the possibilities made available by the internet and new media. RMIT's nonfictionLab is hosting a research symposium that offers new ideas about interactive documentary. Presentations are from theorists and practitioners in the field of interactive documentary. The symposium will be a lively introduction and contribution to discussion and debate about this new form of multilinear, multimedia nonfiction.

This is a free symposium. To register your interest in attending please email your name to:

Topics and Speakers
Affect and Ambient Documentary
Adrian Miles (RMIT, Melbourne)

Documentary, instructions and experiences of place
Bettina Frankham (UTS, Sydney)

Between art and documentary (Miniatures & series: journeys across the surface of the earth)
Cathie Payne (University of Newcastle)

New Narratives for New Media: Exploiting the potential of emergent media for the production of hybrid documentaries
Dean Keep (Swinburne, Melbourne)

Moments of Noticing: I See You as a Speculative Work Towards an Essayistic List Practice in Interactive Documentary
Hannah Brasier (RMIT, Melbourne)

#24Frames 24Hours: An emerging documentary form: Workshop-generated videos
Max Schleser (Massey, NZ)

A Documentary Designer Manifesto: Propositions for Interactive Documentary Practice on the Web
Seth Keen (RMIT University, Melbourne)

GE AR - augmented reality

GE AR - augmented reality
I tried playing this AR video at home tonight and it worked! this is the first attempt so the video I took is a bit dodgy but it gives an idea. the cat was purring whilst I was recording and kept nudging my head. I tried blowing on the mic but couldn't get the windmill blades to spin. try it out! now I want to try make my own!!
thanks to @LukeSnarl for tweeting the link :

GE AR - augmented reality from kath on Vimeo.

GE page
- print out the marker
- u might need to upgrade your flash player to v10
- turn on your webcam (mac - do this with flash player not photobooth - read the help tips on the url for help)
- launch wind power or solar energy links
(if you just see the green oval spinning then it probably can't see your camera)
- hold the marker printout so it's facing your webcam.. then watch the 3d images appear! is a better video demo (clearer than what I've done - but I wanted to try it myself)

luke sent me a great AR game by Julian Oliver (NZ) : :

levelHead v1.0, 3 cube speed-run (spoiler!) from Julian Oliver on Vimeo.

this is amazing!
he's made a game using cubes - called Levelhead - it's won all sorts of awards (deservedly so!)
he explains it on his website @ (& has code for you to try too)

Julian is part of HIT Lab NZ - The Human Interface Technology Laboratory New Zealand - from their site it looks like they're doing some pretty cool stuff!!


ARToolKit documentation page - with samples, tutorials and background details

::: location:

Stelarc: The Cadaver, the Comatose & the Chimera - seminar (melbourne)

We are living in an age of excess and indifference, of prosthetic augmentation and extended operational systems. The dead, the near dead, the undead and the yet to be born are existing simultaneously. This is the age of the cadaver, the comatose and the chimera. The cadaver can now be preserved indefinitely with plastination. The comatose body can be sustained on a life-support system. Cryogenically suspended bodies await possible reanimation. Chimera is the body that performs with mixed realities. A biological body, augmented with technology and telematically performing with virtual systems. The chimera is an alternate embodiment.

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trainscapes ceiling

I thought it'd be cool to get a personal projector and project videos onto the ceiling of the train for people to watch during the ride to & from work. have a website where people could suggest videos, or perhaps they tweet them or sms. they could rate them too on the site. I was thinking art or landscapes - trainscapes. but I suppose eventually it'd be overtaken by advertisers or spammers. would be nice for a while though! just look at all this ceiling space doing nothing - apart from the bright lighting in the train, this would be ok for an adhoc screen. 29/04/2009

::: location:

openframeworks & openCV - computer vision libraries

yesterday, @DustForEyes posted an "AR scratching" video by vanderlin to stealth board & twitter. it's tagged with tags such as AR, augmented reality, opencv, and openframeworks, so I googled some of these. the AR markers seem like the fiducial markers found in reactable - note there's going to be a performance / demo of one of these called dubtable at ripped next week which would be cool to check out.

::: location:

BODYTOK (the human instrument archive) - a sonicsfromscratch video and sound project

Starkwhite is pleased to present BODYTOK a sonicsfromscratch video and sound project
by Phil Dadson, with interactivity design by James Charlton.
(a 3 screen trial towards a larger public gallery installation)
Upstairs backroom, 510 Karangahape Rd, Auckland, from 10 to 26 September 2008.

Over the past three years, Dadson has been compiling the 'human instrument archive'. He says: "The first instrument is the human body and the human instrument is the most unpredictable and unique of all. From childhood worldwide humans explore the sonic potential of their bodies, often discovering a unique and/or individual sound. I had some expectations of this variety, but when I started asking people to show me their unique sounds, I was astounded by the invention."

::: location:

Cybernetics Serendipity Redux - A moderated discussion on YASMIN

Leonardo/OLATS, co sponsor of YASMIN, is pleased to announce

Cybernetics Serendipity Redux (ed: discussion link seems to be broken now 15/02/2009) - has archive of yasmin mail list - new Yasmin list

A moderated discussion on YASMIN
Beginning September 1 2008

Discussion On YASMIN, led by Ranulph Glanville.
Moderators Ranulph Glanville, Paul Brown, Paul Pangaro

40 years ago, Jasia Reichart's exhibition "Cybernetic Serendipity" showed that cybernetics, computing and art had arrived.

40 years later, while computers and art remain, cybernetics has nearly vanished, although there is a reviving interest in art.

::: location:

IMAGE RADIO 2008 - Eindhoven - New media in public space - Call for artists

C a l l f o r A r t i s t s - Exploring Your Invisible Paradise! 30-10 till 02-11-2008

DEADLINE EXTENDED - Submit your work until 9th of June 2008

Take this opportunity to participate in the 2nd edition of Image Radio – a young festival for new ideas in digital culture, taking place in Eindhoven, Netherlands.

The festival is also an experiment, critical reflection, and preview of how new media in public space impact our cultural, social and physical surroundings. The increase of display devices, data clouds, sensor networks, particularly in urban centers, provides a new medium. Public space becomes a playground in which dynamic and manipulative data influence our perception. Potential applications are shown in experimental installations. Theory, discussion and exchange on these topics are facilitated in the seminar program and symposium.

::: location:

Robin Petterd phone chat - sonic objects, art practice, water and built instruments 23/10/2002

What is Scion City? - interactive Second Life machinima video series

What is Scion City is a futuristic interactive machinima video movie series made in Second Life. the website has 6 episodes and links to different formats, an FAQ and a submit link where viewers can upload more episodes or related material (photos, documents, movies, etc) discovered about the series and Scion City. visit for more details and to watch the films.

::: location:

tina 2006 - chat with Richie on sound toys and playful instruments

direct video link
video page on

a chat with Richie, from Melbourne band / crew WD40, who builds sound toys and instruments for outdoor parties and festivals - for both kids and adults. he discusses his thoughts on the importance of play. midway through some people walk past and one starts playing a piano down the other end of the room so there was a nice chat about instruments and the piano Richie has at home.

Sophie - a project for The Institute of the Future of the Book

Sophie, the Institute's first piece of software, is designed for reading and writing next-generation electronic books. Sophie will facilitate the easy construction of documents that are designed to live on the network and to use multimedia and time in ways that are currently difficult, if not impossible.



In recognition of the pioneering experimental works continually being produced by artists for the internet has been established to provide a space for the exhibition of exciting new works by a growing community of audio visual artists, while also providing a forum for discourse around new technologies and the nature of soundtoys. The site is intended to provide a meeting point for this growing community of artists and users, and in addition to the exhibition of audio visual projects, the site contains areas for artists interviews, links to resources, and texts by contributing writers where serious issues around interactive arts, audio visual syhthesis, generative art, and a history of interactivity are discussed. Hopefully it is a fun and entertaining site to visit , while also providing valuable information for all parties.

::: location:


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