i heart kings X project - opening day

the I heart Kings Cross project has been installed into Fitzroy Gardens & surrounding streets in Kings Cross, Sydney. it looks amazing! it took a week to install & they used a tall ladder and a crane.

the knits seem to blend in to their surroundings well & at the same time brighten up the streets. I took waaay too many photos but I couldn't stop look at the detail and volume of amazing work. incredible! I couldn't stop staring at the detail of the stitches. I had to wait for my sister to arrive so I had some time after the launch to listen & watch some of the people's responses - everyone seemed to love it! they were taking turns having photos on Jade's knitted chair, and in front of the trees' branches and next to Zoe's circle piece on the sculpture & the I heart Kings Cross logo as well as staring up at the tall tree pieces.

http://www.aliak.com/content/i-heart-kings-x-project-opening-day = (this) blog post
http://www.flickr.com/photos/aliak_com/tags/iheartkingscross = photos
http://bit.ly/19jFKo = slideshow movie of the photos

thanks to Reef Knot - especially Michelle McCosker, for organizing everything and letting me contribute. was a lot of fun. I hope they keep me informed of any future projects!

video @ archive.org page


slideshow movie of flickr photos

some highlights

& the pieces I made :
the rainbow blanket & pink scribble lace (Debbie New pattern) ...

the red section under the frilly knot hole ...

and the bucky fuller inspired triangles & different stitches ...

more photos & documentation of the project at these wonderful places:





