GE AR - augmented reality
I tried playing this AR video at home tonight and it worked! this is the first attempt so the video I took is a bit dodgy but it gives an idea. the cat was purring whilst I was recording and kept nudging my head. I tried blowing on the mic but couldn't get the windmill blades to spin. try it out! now I want to try make my own!!
thanks to @LukeSnarl for tweeting the link
GE AR - augmented reality from kath on Vimeo.
GE page
- print out the marker
- u might need to upgrade your flash player to v10
- turn on your webcam (mac - do this with flash player not photobooth - read the help tips on the url for help)
- launch wind power or solar energy links
(if you just see the green oval spinning then it probably can't see your camera)
- hold the marker printout so it's facing your webcam.. then watch the 3d images appear! is a better video demo (clearer than what I've done - but I wanted to try it myself)
luke sent me a great AR game by Julian Oliver (NZ) : :
levelHead v1.0, 3 cube speed-run (spoiler!) from Julian Oliver on Vimeo.
this is amazing!
he's made a game using cubes - called Levelhead - it's won all sorts of awards (deservedly so!)
he explains it on his website @ (& has code for you to try too)
Julian is part of HIT Lab NZ - The Human Interface Technology Laboratory New Zealand - from their site it looks like they're doing some pretty cool stuff!!
ARToolKit documentation page - with samples, tutorials and background details
augmented reality / AR links
COSC426 course page on HITLabNZ
julian's page for making your own patterns
Jim Vallino's AR page
University of Washington's AR page
AR videos on youtube
open scene graph
OSGART - combines ARToolKit tracking library with OpenSceneGraph
ISMAR 2009 conference page - International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
AR forum
AR Forum mail list - archive page
AR videos
Augmented Reality Encyclopedia
Semaphore - TV 3
Augmented Reality by Hitlab
Augmented Reality Magic 1.0
See-Through LCD
GE's Augmented Reality demo