Deluder "Omniality"

Release Date 1st August 2005 by Deluder Records. According to deluder 'Omniality' is 'the state of combining all things' and his stunning debut is just that: illustrating genres and scenes don't have to be as closely segregated as they often seem. He's a producer who'd love to avoid being pigeonholed, but does he really think it's possible? "People feel the need to categorize music" admits deluder "which I can understand, but sometimes it isn't the most constructive thing you can do for a artist, label, club or scene. I aim to get people saying 'yeah, but deluder makes house, progressive, breaks and chill too, not just trance!', which is true, but realistically most people will probably think of 'Omniality' as a trance album - because it's so damn melodic. I guess that's the one common theme throughout." mp3s and more information are available from

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Electro Noise Industrial Performance DEMUS LIVE NITE

Catch noise veteran Bastich rip out some hard power electronics, recently Melbournized Mystral Tide dishing up chilled EBM tokyo style, and the superb intense industrial assault of Cassandra's Myth. Live, Local and Underground. August 12th 2005 at Absinthe: Esco (388 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy Melbourne). 9pm! Tickets at door $10. A night of cold, danceable darkness, hard beats, aggressive synths, riffs from hell and emotive melodics. read more or visit for more details

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Catfight magazine - female graf mag

Catfight is an all female graffmagazine that shows all aspects of grafitti. We hope to publish a new Catfight regularly to show you the best and most recent works. download the latest issue at

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Dane Certificate in Brisbane

Dane Certificate is playing with the Red Paintings July the 2nd, at the Lion's Den.

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generator x - generative art & design conference

Generator.x is a conference and exhibition examining the current role of software and generative strategies in art and design. The site also has many links to generative art works and studies. visit for more details

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Genre: Beats, Jazz, HipHop, Electronica, Pop : Formed in march 2004, Munchkin fuse elements of electronica and pop into their own unique style, their debut album "nothing has changed except for everything" is a journey through various shades of darkness and light. The music is written by bassist/programmer Geddy who provides the canvas and outlines for vocalist kaliah and guitarist/producer Dale to fill in the colours. In the past, Geddy has toured successfully around Australia with his last band BARCODE who also released the successful EP "killing the boy". Kaliah has just returned from three years of travelling around europe and asia where she performed in various locations. Dale has finished his audio diploma and has started a company called "EVOLUTION AUDIO". read more for more information gig dates and band info

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Australian Music Links Online

Australian Music Links Online is a comprehensive online links directory of Australian bands, artists and musicians categorised by location and name. It also contains Australian music resources and a chat forum. visit for details

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Hyperdub Records

Hyperdub records - home of Kode9
visit for more details

Basement Tapes - future of music

Basement Tapes is a documentary film about the future of music. Speaking with a cross section of talented musicians, brilliant thinkers, kids on trial and outlaw geeks, the film will move beyond the headlines and look at how the Internet has changed music forever, and where we're going next. read more or visit for details and to view the interviews

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SoundLab Channel Australian Call for Works

This is a nationwide call for works for Australian sound artists to contribute to SoundLab Channel Edition III. SoundLab Channel was launched as part of [R][R][F]2005--->XP in the Biennale of Electronic Art Perth 2004 SoundLab Channel is an Internet sound gallery hosted in Cologne. As part of [R][R][F]2005--->XP SoundLab Channel will participate in all future presentations of [R][R][F]2005--->XP in virtual and physical space. Deadline 13 June, 2005. read more for details or visit

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Thomas Brinkmann in Australia

For your pleasure ** THOMAS BRINKMANN and TBA in Australia ** Liquid Architecture presents Thomas Brinkmann (Germany) Live, plus Natalie Beridze aka TBA, (Germany) Live at the Public Office, Melbourne, Saturday July 2nd, 2005. Also featuring Steve Law launching his new Zen Paradox CD and a huge line up of local live artists. Plus visual artists and vj performances throughout the night. read more for details or visit

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cfp : The body/technology-instrument/technology paradigm

Contemporary Music Review (Routledge) invites papers from writers reflecting on sound in relation to the body/technology; from anyone who attempts to define and/or crtically examine threshold conditions of instrument and performer; writers who are keen to challenge con- or discontinuities of instrument and performer, be it in the form of laptop improvisation, interactive sound environments, 3d cave installations, sonic architecture, or other performance situations.

::: location: Open Tech 2005 (london)

Sponsored by, Open Tech 2005 is an informal one-day conference about technologies that anyone can have a go at, from "Open Source"-style ways of working to repurposing everyday everyday electronics hardware. read more or visit for details

Music For Film : cults classics curios

Compiled, produced and mixed by Groovescooter in collaboration with the Sonic Arcana label, comes the first ever companion CD for the Sydney Film Festival - now in it's 52nd year. This is unlike any soundtrack compendium you've heard before. A seamless journey through various moods and styles, it's more like the eclectic 'Back To Mine' series, than those heavily orchestrated, emotionally manipulative soundtrack collections of yesteryear. Subtitled 'cults classics curios', the album traverses almost four decades of Australian film music; from the most up-to-date post-rock and electronic producers (Decoder Ring and Severed Heads) to the long overlooked vice-funk of cult-classic 'The Box' alongside masters like the late Brian May ('Mad Max'). As for curios, there are plenty, but how about the soundtrack that was originally commissioned for pioneering gritty Aus-Hellinic film 'Head On' starring Alex Dimitriades and Paul Capsis? The version here wasn't used in the film's final cut after Melbourne shlock-horror filmmaker, composer and author Philip Brophy was replaced by Ollie Olsen (Psy-harmonics / Max Q). read more for further details or visit

quote: action

"Thoughts and words ran in me that words and writing were all nothing, and must die, for action is the life of all, and if thou dost not act, thou dost nothing"
-- Gerrard Winstanley, one of the English Diggers - who through exlemparary direct action demanded the abolishment of private property and encouraged the poor to reclaim the commons. (1649)

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