Understanding Contemporary Art class videos playlist

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interactive documentary symposium

A symposium around interactive documentary is being conducted by RMIT’s nonfictionLab on Monday February 16.

Monday, February 16. 10am - 4pm
RMIT University, City Campus

Interactive documentary is a developing new field of audio visual nonfiction. It combines documentary film with the possibilities made available by the internet and new media. RMIT's nonfictionLab is hosting a research symposium that offers new ideas about interactive documentary. Presentations are from theorists and practitioners in the field of interactive documentary. The symposium will be a lively introduction and contribution to discussion and debate about this new form of multilinear, multimedia nonfiction.

This is a free symposium. To register your interest in attending please email your name to: rsvpnonfictionlab@rmit.edu.au

Topics and Speakers
Affect and Ambient Documentary
Adrian Miles (RMIT, Melbourne)

Documentary, instructions and experiences of place
Bettina Frankham (UTS, Sydney)

Between art and documentary (Miniatures & series: journeys across the surface of the earth)
Cathie Payne (University of Newcastle)

New Narratives for New Media: Exploiting the potential of emergent media for the production of hybrid documentaries
Dean Keep (Swinburne, Melbourne)

Moments of Noticing: I See You as a Speculative Work Towards an Essayistic List Practice in Interactive Documentary
Hannah Brasier (RMIT, Melbourne)

#24Frames 24Hours: An emerging documentary form: Workshop-generated videos
Max Schleser (Massey, NZ)

A Documentary Designer Manifesto: Propositions for Interactive Documentary Practice on the Web
Seth Keen (RMIT University, Melbourne)


urban tapestries / social tapestries

Urban Tapestries is the name of a research project and experimental software platform for knowledge mapping and sharing – public authoring – conceived and developed by Proboscis in partnership with collaborators such as the London School of Economics, Birkbeck College, Orange, HP Research labs, France Telecom R&D UK, Ordnance Survey. The original research project began in late 2002 and was completed in Autumn 2004, with a follow-on research programme of experiments with local groups and communities called Social Tapestries starting in April 2004 and completed in Summer 2007 (additional publications and outputs were released in 2008).

Urban Tapestries investigated how, by combining mobile and internet technologies with geographic information systems, people could 'author' the environment around them; a kind of Mass Observation for the 21st Century. Like the founders of Mass Observation in the 1930s, we were interested creating opportunities for an "anthropology of ourselves" – adopting and adapting new and emerging technologies for creating and sharing everyday knowledge and experience; building up organic, collective memories that trace and embellish different kinds of relationships across places, time and communities.

The Urban Tapestries software platform enabled people to build relationships between places and to associate stories, information, pictures, sounds and videos with them. It provided the basis for a series of engagements with actual communities (in social housing, schools and with users of public spaces) to play with the emerging possibilities of public authoring in real world settings. The projects are documented in a variety of ways - from essays, project reports and academic papers to videos, installations and software (interfaces and code).


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Kris Weston AKA Thrash kris-starter

Kris Weston AKA Thrash ex member of The Orb is doing a kickstarter / kris-starter so he can make more music. see https://krisweston.com

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Dionne Swift | Contemporary Textile Artist and Tutor

Dionne Swift | Contemporary Textile Artist and Tutor

Dionne Swift's R&A Collaborations video is called "Establishing a Rhythm" and in it she discusses the relationship between walking through the countryside, mark making in her drawings and stitching her artwork using machine embroidery. She speaks about the shared rhythm between these three parts of the process.

direct video link is http://vimeo.com/116270312

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Knit the National – Bollard Creations Competition | National Folk Festival | Every Easter in Canberra

Knit the National – Bollard Creations Competition | National Folk Festival | Every Easter in Canberra

Knit the National is a new project to decorate the National Folk Festival Site in 2015. Part of this initiative was the successful CD weaving project at Floriade earlier this year. They have decided to take it up a notch with the Bollard Creations Competition.

the website has more info on the competition including the Bollard dimensions

via http://folkfestival.org.au/knit-the-national-bollard-creations-competition

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Koalas sew need you this summer | IFAW - International Fund for Animal Welfare

Koalas sew need you this summer | IFAW - International Fund for Animal Welfare

Currently it's fire season in Australia and the koalas have been victims of the fires in South Australia and Victoria. There's still risk of more fires to come (hopefully not!) as summer is still in full swing.

The International Fund for Animal Welfare has asked people to sew cotton mittens for the koalas to help their recovery.

"Koalas with burns to their paws need to have them treated with burn cream and wrapped in bandages. They then need special cotton mittens to cover the dressings. All this needs changing daily so we’re asking if you can help us by sewing koala mittens – as many as they can before the fire season truly hits."

The IFAW has a pattern linked on their site, or see the PDF file here:

http://www.ifaw.org/sites/default/files/default/KOALA-MITTENS-PATTERN-A4.pdf (PDF file)

Use 100% cotton only — e.g.: old sheets, tea towels or cotton t-shirts

Send your mittens to


6 Belmore Street

Surry Hills

NSW 2010


visit the website for more details

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Solace - make flags for India Flint's residency at The Observatory

prophet of bloom: an invitation: Solace

India Flint invites us all to contribute to her residency at The Observatory, in South Australia.

via http://prophet-of-bloom.blogspot.com.au/2014/09/an-invitation.html

Make a triangular flag or pennon [meaning a personal ensign, derived from the Latin penna meaning a wing or a feather] preferably using a piece of pre-loved cloth.
Stitch on it a word or a phrase or a sentence that might act as a wish for peace or an acknowledgement of beauty, imply a sense of stillness or simply something that  gives you solace. It can be as brief or as long as you like. A haiku, a snatch of song, a word that takes you where you want to be.

Attach ties to the tethering end of your flag.
It is important the flags be made from natural fibre fabrics as they will remain in place following prayer flag tradition, to dispense blessings and good wishes to the four winds...any shreds that part company from the whole must be bio-degradable. Additional decorations such as stone or glass beads, shell or wooden buttons are welcome, but please, no plastic.

Post the flag [preferably packaged in paper* not plastic] to :

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Who Needs Education? | American Craft Council

Who Needs Education? | American Craft Council

An interview with Paul J. Stankard, a fellow of the American Craft Council, teacher, book author and glass artist who didn't study at university level. He speaks about his experiences and what he tells his students at Salem Community College.

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Cy Twombly’s Remarkable Treatise

Cy Twombly’s Remarkable Treatise

An article about the Cy Twombly: Treatise on the Veil exhibition at the Morgan Library & Museum, and his style of painting and drawing. It shows a few paintings/drawings made in 1970/1972: “Treatise on the Veil (Second Version)” (1970), “Untitled” (1970), and two Untitled” (28 May, 1970) studies.

via http://hyperallergic.com/170270/cy-twomblys-remarkable-treatise



The Dorothy Waxman Textile Design Prize is a new international design prize awarded to a textile or fashion design student who exhibits innovative thinking and inspiring creativity in textiles.

The award winner receives a prize of US $5000 and coverage on the online interactive trend platform, TrendTablet.com.

The competition is open to students from any country currently enrolled in a textile, fashion or knitting course. The winning design will be chosen by Dorothy Waxman based on its aesthetic and creative identity.

visit the website for the application form

via http://www.trendtablet.com/4155-talking-textiles

solar panel necklace

Mae Yokoyama, a Swedish student at Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design has made a solar panel necklace which lights up LEDs when the power has charged. The aim was to turn “energy into beauty”.


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Anne Wilson - Topologies exhibition

Anne Wilson is a Chicago-based visual artist who creates sculpture, drawings, performances and video animations that explore themes of time, loss, private and social rituals. Her artwork embraces conceptual strategies and handwork using everyday materials -- table linen, bed sheets, human hair, lace, thread, glass, and wire.


Crafting Anatomies | Bonington Gallery

Crafting Anatomies | Bonington Gallery.

via http://www.boningtongallery.co.uk/events/craftinganatomies
Crafting Anatomies
Crafting Anatomies will place the human body at the centre of a multi-disciplinary dialogue; exploring how this entity has been interpreted, crafted and reimagined in historical, contemporary and future contexts.


The exhibition will dissect attitudes and approaches towards contexts of the body by showcasing visionary practices of leading international artists, clinicians and designers. These will be featured alongside anatomical exhibits selected from historical collections including films from The Wellcome Trust archive.

Organs crafted by silk worms, bespoke jewellery cultured from human skin cells, and couture garments constructed using plastic surgery cutting techniques are just some of the speculative projects that will be on display.

classwork whilst away

I've been away from my class materials since working on this new work project. which means I haven't had as much fabric, paints, threads, the sewing machine etc to work with. I found an app called art set on the itunes app store and tried it out on the flight home last week. it's pretty good. it has a large range of colours, and background "paper" with different textures and colours and weights - actually more than I have at home. plus multiple pens, pencils, felt pens, paints, crayons, sponges, erasers, water for smudging edges, and the app is really easy to use. it's not the same as using the materials by hand of course, but I think it does replicate the styles / effects the materials have quite well. and it was only 99cents. wish I'd known about this prior to spending a couple of hundred dollars on a much smaller range of pens and paints! I tried a few simple mark making exercises, then I took a photo from the front airplane camera (was my first time on an A380 & it has camera views on the tv/entertainment system - a view from the front of the plane, below near the wings, and looking towards the tail of the plane) and made a drawing of the view.


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