Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 24/01/2009 - 22:00
SCANZ 2009: Raranga tangata
The Weaving Together of People
Solar Circuit Aotearoa New Zealand (SCANZ) is the interCreate Research Centre's major project, a two week residency for artists, producers, writers, theorists and curators will be held in New Plymouth New Zealand from January 26th to February 8th 2009. Project partners are the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery and Puke Ariki integrated library and museum.
Raranga tangata refers to the weaving together of people, a phrase used to describe the internet and adopted by Sally Jane Norman and Sylvia Nagl in their work. The aim for SCANZ 2009 is to weave an enduring fabric of people and technology, located in this place: Taranaki, Aotearoa New Zealand, Pacific Ocean.
January 26th–February 8th
February 7th–8th
January 26th–February 8th
The residency themes are Environmental Response and Participate/Display. Occurring along side the residency are a two day symposium (February 7 and 8), presentation evening & opening event (February 7), and curatorial workshop.
Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 18/10/2008 - 23:27
today 18/10/2008 was the Sydney Drupal Camp - held at University of NSW campus in Camperdown & hosted by the Drupal Australia Group. Ryan Cross did a fantastic job organising the "unconference" with assistance from many people in the group. I'm too tired right now to write up my notes about it - suffice to say it was a great event and I learnt a few new tips to try out. I'll try write more tomorrow & post the photos (I only took a few) after some sleep. I'd helped out by recording audio of the sessions which will be uploaded to the group site & available for those who couldn't make it.
attached are the raw notes I took during the day - pasted below for searching purposes. I spent all day in the "B" area - which was beginners, but they went through some of the new drupal 6 modules I haven't used much yet. area "A" was more for the hardcore programmers.

photos @
there are more photos by woulfe / Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sydney @
Submitted by AliaK on Tue, 27/05/2008 - 05:41
On October 10-11 2008, Bilkent University Department of Communication and Design, in cooperation with the Institute of Network Cultures, will organise the 3rd Video Vortex event in Ankara, Turkey. Video Vortex 3 Ankara Edition will feature a two-day international conference, evening program, live performances and new media art exhibition.
Submitted by AliaK on Wed, 14/05/2008 - 05:44
Video makers, media activists, software developers and artists from 15 countries across the Asia-Pacific will be gathering in Sukabumi, West Java from May 19-25 for an online video skills camp. The goal of the camp is to bring together open source software programmers, video makers and media activists to develop the strategic use of online video distribution for social justice and media democracy.
TX-AP is a joint initiative between media activists in Australia and Indonesia. It is organised collaboratively by EngageMedia (Australia), a video sharing website and free software development, training and networking project and Ruangrupa (Indonesia) a non-profit artist initiative supporting the development of art in the cultural context through events, exhibitions, research and documentation. 50 specially invited media activists and artists will be coming to Indonesia to attend the workshop and share their skills and ideas.
The camp will provide a unique opportunity for artists, video makers, software developers and activists to collaborate and share skills in a global context where on-line video communication skills have become an increasingly important strategy for activists.
Read more for details or visit
Submitted by AliaK on Tue, 13/05/2008 - 06:16
New Submission Deadline: 2 June 2008
-- mSOCIETY 2008 -- The 1st International Conference on Mobile Society
-- EURO mGOV 2008 -- The 3rd European Conference on Mobile Government
15 -19 September 2008, Sheraton Voyager, Antalya, Turkey
mLife Events Organization decided to extended the submission deadline
to June 2nd, both to respond to various requests for extension and to
organize the special sessions better.
Electronic submissions are open and can be accessed via
Please see the confenence brief below and more information on the
conferences, program highlights, topics, organisers and supporters can
be found at the
Kushchu, General Chair
---- Please feel free to forward
Submitted by AliaK on Tue, 13/05/2008 - 06:09
CCau are proud to announce that registration is now officially open for the Creative Commons 'Building an Australasian Commons' Conference.
The conference will be held on Tuesday 24th June 2008 from 8.30am – 5pm at the State Library of Queensland, South Brisbane, and is proudly supported by Creative Commons Australia (, the ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation (, and the State Library of Queensland (
Submitted by AliaK on Mon, 12/05/2008 - 06:51
Women in Games Conference: Call for Papers and Participation
Date: 31 May 2008
Venue: University of Warwick, UK
The Women In Games conference encourages research and seeks to promote careers for women within the games industry. If games are to become a true sibling medium to music and cinema, the industry needs greater balance in its audience and its workforce. The Women In Games conference takes place from 10-12th September 2008 and welcomes participants from both industry and academia, providing a forum for presentation and discussion of issues relating to all aspects of women's involvement in games, including game development, game playing and women as portrayed within games.
Although this conference is concerned with women and games please note that men are also very welcome to participate! The industry needs a meaningful dialogue between the sexes as it moves forward.
Submitted by AliaK on Fri, 22/02/2008 - 19:42
Tending Networks: The 5th Aotearoa Digital Arts Symposium will address new developments, connections, and opportunities in digital, new media and electronic art practice in New Zealand and internationally.
The symposium will feature presentations by major international artists Young Hae Chang Heavy Industries of Korea, and Adam Hyde, a New Zealander based in Amsterdam. A wide range of artists and researchers from Christchurch and around New Zealand will present current projects, and panel discussions will focus on the creation of new work, including the role of community networks, the value of collaboration, and the challenges posed by exhibiting digital art.
Submitted by simonzt on Fri, 22/02/2008 - 08:59
Art of Record Production Conference
Brisbane, Australia in 2007 and Lowell, Massachusetts in 2008
The Art of Record Production Conference organised by London College of Music, TVU lecturer, Simon Zagorski-Thomas just seems to be going from strength to strength. In December last year it moved out of the United Kingdom for the first time when it was hosted by Professor Andy Arthurs, Professor Julian Knowles and Dr. Donna Hewitt at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia and in November of this year it will be hosted by Professor William Moylan at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. The keynote speaker in Brisbane was Hank Shocklee who rose to prominence producing Public Enemy, has worked with artists as varied as Madonna, Peter Gabriel and Janet Jackson and who currently heads up his own New Media Entertainment company, Shocklee Entertainment. As well as academic papers on a wide range of subjects on and around the central theme of record production, the conference featured other industry speakers including Richard Lush (Beatles, Lalo Schifrin), Daniel Denholm (Tognetti’s Bach violin sonatas and partitas, Kylie), Pip Williams (Nightwish, Moody Blues), Mike Howlett (Martha and the Muffins, OMD) and Steve D'Agostino (Depeche Mode, John Foxx).
Submitted by kathy on Sat, 02/02/2008 - 10:10
Submitted by AliaK on Sun, 06/01/2008 - 10:53
Submitted by AliaK on Sun, 04/11/2007 - 02:42
Unmasking the art behind making a truly great record will be the focus of a very special event in Brisbane this December. The third Annual Art of Record Production Conference will feature some of the most exciting music producers this country has to offer - plus a keynote address from iconic US DJ/Producer Hank Shocklee (Public Enemy, BombSquad). The Art of Record Production is a World Class event being presented for the very first time in the southern hemisphere. read more for details, or visit the website to register or view the program :
Submitted by AliaK on Fri, 19/10/2007 - 19:43
Submitted by AliaK on Wed, 29/08/2007 - 06:50
Vlog Europe is on this weekend, but they've just posted a link to the site where they'll be streaming some of it live - video of course! and a chat channel. the schedule looks good. they're going to talk about software, personal media, videoblogging and it's effects on big media, videoblogging and making content not money
Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 28/07/2007 - 22:10
The eighth edition of the Renewing the Anarchist Tradition (RAT) conference, sponsored by the Institute for Anarchist Studies, once again aims to provide a participatory and scholarly space in which to reexamine, reinvigorate, and make relevant the social and political tradition of anarchism.
At previous conferences, presenters have proposed topics that ranged from the character of social change to the ongoing relevance of categories such as class, community, and labor; from the changing shape of the state and capital to emergent forms of both domination and resistance in a globalizing world; from the character of twenty-
first-century technology to the functions and potentials of anti-authoritarian art and propaganda; and from anarchism's relation to geopolitical concerns such as terrorism and war to its ability to grapple with issues of identity such as race, gender, and sexuality.
Read more for the Calls for Proposals or visit for more details. has archives of previous year's conferences.